The Safe & Sound Protocol

because the vagus nerve tone is key to safety

The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), developed by Dr. Stephen Porges and based on Polyvagal Theory, is an evidence based sound therapy that helps tonify the vagus nerve, which is a key player in our physical and emotional wellbeing.

The vagus nerve connects the mind and body. It relays information - and particularly, information about perceived safety - between the brain and body and ensures our physiological systems (such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, digestion and even speaking) respond appropriately. However, if the vagus nerve’s barometer has been set to “unsafe,” it will be chronically relaying that message to the body.

This video does a brilliant job of explaining how chronic stress and trauma affect our nervous system. The SSP can help strengthen the vagus nerve, and "reset our barometer," counteracting the effects that chronic stress and trauma have had. 

The SSP uses music that has been specifically filtered to stimulate the ventral vagus complex, helping move the nervous system out of sympathetic states (fight, flight or freeze) and into parasympathetic states. Activating the vagus nerve in this way creates neuroplastic change, repatterning of neural networks and improving regulation of the autonomic nervous system.

As the ventral vagus complex is strengthened and our nervous system moves into a state of safety, we are more able to connect with ourselves, others and the world.

The SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences, and many other nervous system regulation disorders.