body work

Deep Brain Reorienting

Deep Brain Reorienting

Shock is a physiological and neurochemical process that is always present at the “moment of impact” of trauma or emotional wounding. Unfortunately, it is notoriously difficult to treat, and often acts as a barrier to healing. When the shock of trauma, loss or deep emotional pain is untreated, the injury is unable to heal and the experience remains unprocessed.

Somatic Psychotherapy

Somatic Psychotherapy

One of the pervasive myths in the fields of human experience is the division of mind and body. While this dualistic framework has been deeply entrenched in Western conceptualizations of the psyche, this is another case of reductionistic frameworks gone awry. Modern neuroscience is once again confirming what would have been intuitive to our ancestors; that the mind and body is indivisible. They co-occur in relationship with each other.

The mind is embodied. ‘Muscle memory’ isn’t limited to things like how to walk or write. Our histories are written into our physical being, and our physical coauthors our histories. Biography becomes physiology, and physiology becomes biography.